
What is a Critical thinking? Are you a Critical Thanker

Critical Thinking is the mental process of rationalizing information. Or, in other words, it is a thinking process that we use to make sense of information for problem solving or information assessment.

The ability to think with a clear, objective, and critical mind is a crucial factor for success in career and personal life. Critical Thinking helps us generate ideas and distinguish what is right and wrong and good and bad information in making sound, rational and valid judgment or decision. Being critical does not mean ignoring goodwill and relationship.

I'm a Critical Thinker ,Because I know what is important and what is not important on my life.and sometimes I would use logic to solve the problem. And then two text books give me a lot of help, So I'm sure I am Critical Thinker

TFYC11 Inductive reasoning and inductive fallacies

TFY C12 Deductive reasoning


PAGE 480 Exercise 14d

Evaluate the website http:// www.d-b.net/dti/.

1 What is its title?

Clones R Us.

2 What is the main idea of the article?

Dream Technologies can provide cloning services for you.

3 What do you already know about the topic?

I already

4Using the criteria presented in Step 4, explain why it would or would not be a good site to use as a source. provide examples to support your conclusion.
This would not be good website to use primarily.


Application Level Questions

1 If 10 times a number is divided by 5, the result is 120. what is the number? 60

2 If a number is added to 76, the result is 1102. what is the number? 1026

3 If 98 times a number is divided by 7, the result is 14, what is the number? 1


pages 357 Exercise 11a

Read Table 11.1 and answer the following questions.

1 What is the purpose of this visual?

The purpose of the table is to provide information about the characteristics of a bureaucracy.

2 what are some details that are presented?

The primary pieces of information shown in this visual are the positive and negative consequences for individuals and organizations of bureacuracy.

3 What are two characteristics that have a positive impact on the organization,and what are their impacts?
Divison of labor- produces efficiency in large-scale corporation .


PAGE 344
Read each of the following questions and decide if they are true of flase.

1 Everyone's textbook markings should look the same. F

2 There can be more than one main idea in a textbook chapter.T

3 Sometimes marking minor supporting details may be wise. T

4 Whenever I mark in a textbook, I should always write a margin cue.F

5 Everyone should always get the same main idea from a reading.T