

page 111

Test your present knowledge of time management by completing this survey. Read each statement and respond based on your current reading habits. In the space provided, write in the world yes if the statement correctly describes you or no if it does not.

1 I complete the reading for my easiest classes first. yes

2 I currently use a reading plan NO

3 I use different reading strategies to help me read more efficiently. NO

4 I know what my best study times are. NO

5 Each day I Complete the reading for my favorite classes first and fit reading time for my other calsses in later. yes

6 Each day I make a list of reading tasks that I need to do. NO

7 I save time by taking regular breaks when I read. NO

8 It takes me too long to read a chapter. NO

9 Sticking to a schedule seems too rigid for me; I'm too spontaneous to stick to a regular reading plan . YES

10 Speed-reading is the best strategy for reading efficiently. YES

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