


Test Taking and Vocabulary

Exam Terminology
In addition to learning the specific vocabulary words introduced in your calsses, it is important to make sure you understand what exam teminology means before test time. The way questions are written can give you clues about how to answer them. The way questions are written can give you clues about how to answer them. If you don't understand exam terminology, you can perform poorly on tests.
Take the following quiz to see how much you already know about key terms for exams. Match the key word on the left with the correct definition on the right. The first one is modeled for you;

MODEL f 1. Evaluate a. List and explain each point; list in concise form.

g 2. Analyze b. State the meaning of the word or concept; place it in the class to which it belongs.

n 3. Prove c. Bring out the points of similarity.

j 4. Describe d. Use a chart ,a word picture , a diagram, or a concrete example of something.

i 5. Explain e. Being out the points of difference.

a 6. Enumerate f. Make a judgement based on specific criteria

b 7. Define g. Look at individual parts and examine each critcally

m 8. Summarize h. Summarize by using a series of headings and sub-headings.

e 9. Contrast i. Make clear, make plain, tell how to do, make clear by giving an example.

d 10. lustrate j. Tell about, give an account of or characteristcs of something.

c 11. Compare k. State your opinion-you can either support or not support an issue, but support your opinion by using example.

i 12. Justify i. Show good reason for, give your evidence to support your position.

h 13 Outline m. Provide a brief overview of the main points.

k 14 Criticize n. Establish the truth by providing factual evidence or logical reasons.

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