
What is a Critical thinking? Are you a Critical Thanker

Critical Thinking is the mental process of rationalizing information. Or, in other words, it is a thinking process that we use to make sense of information for problem solving or information assessment.

The ability to think with a clear, objective, and critical mind is a crucial factor for success in career and personal life. Critical Thinking helps us generate ideas and distinguish what is right and wrong and good and bad information in making sound, rational and valid judgment or decision. Being critical does not mean ignoring goodwill and relationship.

I'm a Critical Thinker ,Because I know what is important and what is not important on my life.and sometimes I would use logic to solve the problem. And then two text books give me a lot of help, So I'm sure I am Critical Thinker

TFYC11 Inductive reasoning and inductive fallacies

TFY C12 Deductive reasoning


PAGE 480 Exercise 14d

Evaluate the website http:// www.d-b.net/dti/.

1 What is its title?

Clones R Us.

2 What is the main idea of the article?

Dream Technologies can provide cloning services for you.

3 What do you already know about the topic?

I already

4Using the criteria presented in Step 4, explain why it would or would not be a good site to use as a source. provide examples to support your conclusion.
This would not be good website to use primarily.


Application Level Questions

1 If 10 times a number is divided by 5, the result is 120. what is the number? 60

2 If a number is added to 76, the result is 1102. what is the number? 1026

3 If 98 times a number is divided by 7, the result is 14, what is the number? 1


pages 357 Exercise 11a

Read Table 11.1 and answer the following questions.

1 What is the purpose of this visual?

The purpose of the table is to provide information about the characteristics of a bureaucracy.

2 what are some details that are presented?

The primary pieces of information shown in this visual are the positive and negative consequences for individuals and organizations of bureacuracy.

3 What are two characteristics that have a positive impact on the organization,and what are their impacts?
Divison of labor- produces efficiency in large-scale corporation .


PAGE 344
Read each of the following questions and decide if they are true of flase.

1 Everyone's textbook markings should look the same. F

2 There can be more than one main idea in a textbook chapter.T

3 Sometimes marking minor supporting details may be wise. T

4 Whenever I mark in a textbook, I should always write a margin cue.F

5 Everyone should always get the same main idea from a reading.T

ORCB CH9 Exercise

PAGE 287
Cover the questions below. Now look at the picture on page 286 and take one minute to remember as many details froms it as you can. Then cover the picture and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How many Rice CHex are pictured in the crane? 13

2. What are used for wheels on the truck? Life savers

3. How many vehicles are visible in the picture?7

4. How many items are used to make the mixing truck?15

5. How many animals are visble in the picture? 0

6. Where is the ice Cream cone?

7. Is the stick of gum on the left or right side of the picture? On the right

8. What items are used to make plane? Tube of glue, guitar pick, button.

9. How many trees are in the picture and what is used to make the trees? 3 broccoil

10. How many dice are visible? 8

11. What object is next to the wheelbarrow? Tiny bucket

12. List at least 12 food items that are visible in the picture. COFFEE beans bread sugarwafers rice chex....


CRCB CH5 Exercise

page 169
Indicate whether each of the following statements is ture of false

1 Mind maps show how ideas are related to one anothers T

2 The main idea of reading is what you get from the reading F

3 If several people read a textbook chapter, they should all identfy the same main idea. T

4 Topics are more general than details. T

5 Topics should always be stated in complete sentences. F

6 Authors frequently put main idea statements in the same places in an essay. T

7 To identfy the main idea of a reading, all you have to do is look for word clues. F


page 111

Test your present knowledge of time management by completing this survey. Read each statement and respond based on your current reading habits. In the space provided, write in the world yes if the statement correctly describes you or no if it does not.

1 I complete the reading for my easiest classes first. yes

2 I currently use a reading plan NO

3 I use different reading strategies to help me read more efficiently. NO

4 I know what my best study times are. NO

5 Each day I Complete the reading for my favorite classes first and fit reading time for my other calsses in later. yes

6 Each day I make a list of reading tasks that I need to do. NO

7 I save time by taking regular breaks when I read. NO

8 It takes me too long to read a chapter. NO

9 Sticking to a schedule seems too rigid for me; I'm too spontaneous to stick to a regular reading plan . YES

10 Speed-reading is the best strategy for reading efficiently. YES



Test Taking and Vocabulary

Exam Terminology
In addition to learning the specific vocabulary words introduced in your calsses, it is important to make sure you understand what exam teminology means before test time. The way questions are written can give you clues about how to answer them. The way questions are written can give you clues about how to answer them. If you don't understand exam terminology, you can perform poorly on tests.
Take the following quiz to see how much you already know about key terms for exams. Match the key word on the left with the correct definition on the right. The first one is modeled for you;

MODEL f 1. Evaluate a. List and explain each point; list in concise form.

g 2. Analyze b. State the meaning of the word or concept; place it in the class to which it belongs.

n 3. Prove c. Bring out the points of similarity.

j 4. Describe d. Use a chart ,a word picture , a diagram, or a concrete example of something.

i 5. Explain e. Being out the points of difference.

a 6. Enumerate f. Make a judgement based on specific criteria

b 7. Define g. Look at individual parts and examine each critcally

m 8. Summarize h. Summarize by using a series of headings and sub-headings.

e 9. Contrast i. Make clear, make plain, tell how to do, make clear by giving an example.

d 10. lustrate j. Tell about, give an account of or characteristcs of something.

c 11. Compare k. State your opinion-you can either support or not support an issue, but support your opinion by using example.

i 12. Justify i. Show good reason for, give your evidence to support your position.

h 13 Outline m. Provide a brief overview of the main points.

k 14 Criticize n. Establish the truth by providing factual evidence or logical reasons.

ORCB CH1 Exercise

Exercise 1aRead each of the following statements and respond to them based on your current reading habits. In the space provided, write yes if the statement correctly describes you, or no if it does not.
1. I know that concentration is a skill that can be learned. YES

2. I have a study area, complete with study supplies, and this area is used only for studying. NO

3. I try to concentrate as I read, but my mind usually drifts to other things, such as bills I have to pay or people I have to call. YES

4. If I get angry, I am unable to concentrate on my reading. YES

5. I know how to minimize all distractions. NO

6. I cannot read unless my house, or study environment, is immaculate. NO

7. I have a system to let others know when I am reading and that I do not want to be disturbed. NO

8. I lose concentration easily when I am bored with what I’m reading. YES

page11Exercise 1b Indicate in the space provided whether you think each of the following activities is an active a or passive p learning strategy and explain why. The first one is modeled for you:
1 Copying down everything your professor says. p
Most of professors don't want you to write down everything they say.

2 Revising lecture notes. A
Rewrite and chang can help you understand my lecture notes better.

3 Reviewing sections of your textbook by summarizing and reciting information. A
Reciting information aloud helps me to remember.

4 Reading each chapter straight through. p
Reading a chapter straight through means just accepting the words as I see them.

5 Always begin reading by previewing each chapter and developing questions to help you focus. A

Questions helps me anticipate author's thought

6 Testing yourself on the information in your notes. A
If I test myself,I can see. If I Learned information.


The poxitation of Zraxquif
Each day, it has become more important that you bractoliote about Zraxquif. Zraxquif is a new griebe of zionter. it is poxitated each month in Ari zantanna. The Arizantannians gristerlate large frialtonda of fevon and then bracter it to quasel Zraxquif. Zraxquif may well be one of the our most precious snezlaus in the next 50 years because of our zionter lescelidge and lack of currect poxitated fevons. It could save millions of lives.
1 Why is it important to know about Zraxquif?
It is important to know about Zraxquif because it may well be one of the our most precious snelaus in the next 50 years and could save millions of lives.
2 Where is Zraxquif poxitated?
In Arizantanna.
3 How is Zraxquif quaseled?
The Arizantannians gristerlate large frialtonda of fevon and then bracter it to quasel Zraxquif.
4 What is Zraxquif?
Zraxquif is a new griebe of zionter.

PAGE 102
Match each word in Column A to its correct meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Memory a. Organizing information into 5-7 similar groups 9 2. Sensory b. Memory tricks 6
3. Short-term memory c. First stage of memory process 2
4. Long-term memory d. Represent topic or main ideas 8
5. Rote learning e. Memorizing without understanding 5
6. Mnemonics f. Final stage of memory process 4
7. Memory cue g. Helps to call up information 7
8. Key words h. Process of storing information in your brain 1
9. Chunking I. Second stage of memory process 3

TFYC11 Inductive reasoning and inductive fallacies



TFY C12 Deductive reasoning


Introduce myself's letter

My name is Xuyu Wang , a 19-year-old boy form Shanghai, China. I was graduated for senior high school, I come from a family of clerisy. Both of my parents are teaches in universities. Influenced by my parents, I'm getting interested in knowledge, art as well as sports. If I have rest time, I always find some books to read. In kinds of books,detective books are my best love. As the sports leader in our class, I promote the sports activities in our class.Besides, I was a capable assistant to my teachers. My capability has been recognized by my teachers and classmates.
Talking about my own interest, I am good at sports. I always enjoys the moments when I keep challenging myself in sports. My piano has a long history. In my 2-year-old,it and grow along with me. In my 5 years old I forget why I gave up to play. But last year I regreted, I learned to play again, In September last year I came to the United States, there is no opportunity to learn,So now I only can play a little.
Last semester I came this university to learn English. I learned knowledge from Mr Bell and Dr. Sylvia . This semester I study the college lessons ,Dr. Sylvia still is my major teacher. These lessons mybe difficult for me, So I will work hard more.